✧˖ Draw With Light! ˙⟡

Bolderglow is a small family-owned business specializing in creating the coolest glow-in-the-dark toys for kids. Draw on the wall using Glowscape, or draw on your snuggly toy with GlowMates. Either way we have you covered with a no-mess, exciting way to help kids unleash their creativity. Doodle, draw, play, create - and do it all with light!


GlowMates are 100% glow-in-the-dark. Draw on them anywhere with the magic light pens to make a bright glow appear! Large, soft, and snuggable, they are perfect pals to spark your child's imagination.

Shop GlowMates


Draw with light on an ultra large surface you can hang anywhere. Make your artwork glow, then let the glow fade and draw again. Great for doodles, games, handwriting, spelling practice, and so much more!

Shop Glowscape